Save time. Reduce costs. Increase revenue. Faster.
Say goodbye to manual, time-consuming, and months-long process improvement studies. PGR’s software automatically tracks, assesses, simulates, optimizes, and adjusts your equipment and systems to ensure optimal efficiency.
Our solutions
Up to 75% operational cost reduction
Target 10x ROI
Fast implementation and results
How It Works
Our solutions integrate with your existing manufacturing tools, systems, sensors, cameras and databases to monitor and analyze your work environment in real-time. Instead of more expensive hardware, PGR has proprietary algorithms that use what you already have on-premises or hybrid cloud environments to analyze and optimize what’s happening in real-time. And our patent-pending solutions can also control and automatically adjust your equipment for seamless performance optimization.
Get Ahead and Stay Ahead.
CPS-powered smart factories are the future. By adopting PGR’s award-winning technology today, you gain and maintain the competitive advantage.
Learn about our technology